Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kids teach us...

I would be wrong if I said I am teaching kids. Its actually the other way round. Kids teach us every moment. They fight and become friends the very next moment. I wonder what happens to us as we grow up? And we call ourselves adults (when we hold grudges against people for lifetimes) ? Why does the innocence die out with time? A small incidence day before got a lump in my throat. I taught kids how to identify 2D shapes. And as a check for understanding, during break time I was giving out marie biscuits, krack jack biscuits, parle g and bingo mad angles to everyone after they identified the shapes. The kids were real excited and were enjoying eating the different shapes when a girl called Nusrat caught my eye. I saw that she had eaten only a tiny bit of the mad angle and was wrapping up the remaining in a piece of paper. When I asked her, didn't you like the taste? She said didi it is really nice! And I want my sister to taste it too! I was so touched...This little girl who probably ate mad angles for the first time in her life, loved it so much that she wanted her sister to have it too and she was so happy about it! This little girl taught me it is not so difficult to be happy in life. You just need to look around. Stop cribbing about what you don't have. Appreciate and love what you have. No! I am not giving any gyan. Just do it for once. You'll know how fortunate you are...This tiny girl showed me a mirror to how fortunate I am. And it gives me all the more reasons to ponder upon what am I doing after being so fortunate? What are we all doing???

1 comment:

  1. Insightful!!! Hey I even practice that sub-consciously... key to happiness is being satisfied with your lot... ALWAYS :)
