Thursday, June 17, 2010

A tough goodbye...

Last night I got an official notice to stop teaching 3rd standard kids and be a co-teacher with Pranitha for 2nd standard. On one side was this relief that I will be with another TFI fellow and it would be teamwork at play for 45+ tiny kids, but on the other hand I was feeling hollow that I am no longer going to teach the 3rd graders who just in 3 days showed so much of improvement. Thanks to all the strategies that TFI taught us, these kids had started behaving well and showing interest in everything I had to say in class. On my second day of teaching, a kid actually came up to me at the end of class and said "Didi do you take tutions? How much money will you take? I want to learn from you!". I was speechless. I could not understand what miracle did I do for him to ask such a thing on just the second day? Or was it simply that I was not being like their other teachers who beat them and follow conventional methods of teaching, for whom teaching is a way to earn livelihood and not impart true knowledge? I knew these kids got attached to me in just 3 days and so was I. But I had to accept it...Today morning I had to say goodbye to them. I heard kids shouting "Didi please don't go, didi we don't want any other teacher"...I knew I would burst out into tears if I stood there any I told them I have to leave and I will see them when I have time. I spent my day teaching 2nd standard but I was constantly missing my 3rd graders. Some 3rd graders kept coming in my new classroom and requesting me to come back. Every time I passed by the corridor I could hear screams from the windows "didi aaaoo na please!"...two kids drew pictures and gifted it to me at the end of school. One of them asked if I would at least be coming to the school everyday and not leaving the school too! It was tough to say goodbye...very tough...I still cannot stop missing them...I am feeling bad that on thier first day of school I told them we will learn a lot and have lots of fun too...But it is no longer in my hands to keep up to my words :(


  1. Considering my take on kids.... One kid is same an another kid... 2nd graders will be more notorious and they all cry for no reason.... so cheer up :)

  2. Hey Ruhi,
    I can understand your feelings. Felt the same everytime my class graduated a year. Felt more attached to the younger kids. Anyways, kids are awesome, no matter what age.
